Travelling with children can be an exciting adventure, but it also brings with it a fair share of challenges. Busy airports, loud and noisy airplanes, routine disruptions, and unfamiliar environments can be a lot for a young mind to process and can often cause children to suffer from travel anxiety. Thankfully, their colourful new friend Kaleido is here to show that with some careful planning, we can help to ease their worries and make the journey more enjoyable for everyone involved. In this blog, Kaleido will reveal his top tips for addressing their concerns and providing reassurance and support that will ensure safe and comfortable travel experiences for them in the future!
Involve them in the planning process
Children will feel more at ease when they know what to expect from travelling. Kaleido says it is important to involve your children in the travel planning process from start to finish, discussing what will happen on the trip beforehand. You can show this by showing them maps, photos, and videos of your destination, and let them ask questions. This might help alleviate some of the uncertainty they feel about the unknown.
Maintain routines as much as possible
As adults, we may spend our days dreaming about a relaxing holiday to transport us far away from the monotony of our everyday lives. However, this is not the case for our children. Children thrive off routine and travelling disrupts the familiarity of their everyday lives which can often be unsettling for them. Kaleido says it is important to maintain some semblance of routine as much as possible while travelling by trying to stick to regular meal and bedtimes, or bringing along familiar comfort items such as a favourite blanket or stuffed toy as this can provide your child with a sense of security.
Prepare for the journey
Some children may only experience travel anxiety during specific modes of transportation, the most common one being flying. If this is the case, it is important to take steps to prepare them in advance. Kaleido understands why flying can be stressful for children. Airplanes are noisy, cramped, full of strangers, and not to mention it is difficult even for most adults to understand how these massive, heavy metal objects lift off the ground and fly through the air! Talk to them about what to expect during the journey, address any concerns that they may have, and educate yourself on that particular mode of transportation so that you can confidently and accurately provide them with reassurance. Most importantly, let them know that you’ll be there to support them every step of the way!
Offer distractions
Keeping your child entertained during travel will not only help to ease their anxiety, but will also relieve them of the boredom that often comes with long journeys which can lead to restlessness. Pack their favourite toys or games into your hand luggage to keep them occupied or consider downloading movies, audiobooks, or educational apps onto a tablet or smartphone for additional entertainment options. Kaleido has a bunch of educational videos about travelling and geography. Why not use these to distract your child and also equip them with a broader cultural knowledge about the world around us?!
Lead by example
Parents are their children’s most important educators, and it is important to remember that children will pick up cues from you. It is essential that you remain calm and composed during travel, even if you are feeling stressed out yourself. By demonstrating a positive attitude and a willingness to adapt to unexpected situations, you can help reassurance your child that everything will be okay, and that travel is actually an exciting adventure that you are all embarking on together. It is also important to acknowledge and celebrate your child’s small achievements throughout the journey. If you know your child is anxious about navigating a busy airport, going through security, or even trying new foods at a restaurant abroad, it is important for you to praise their efforts to boost their confidence and encourage them to do it again.
Seek professional help if needed
Most of the time, travel anxiety in children stems from fear of the unknown and the disruption of their familiar routines, however, sometimes travel anxiety can be severe or persistent and you might find that Kaleido’s tips are not helping to ease their fears. If this is the case, consider seeking help from a paediatrician or mental health professional. They can provide additional support, guidance, and resources to help manage your child’s anxiety and ensure a smoother travel experience for all involved. It’s important to remember that there is no shame in seeking professional help and doing so will reduce the risk of travel anxiety carrying on into adulthood when it is much more difficult to get rid of!
Kaleido hopes that his top tips will help you alleviate the effects of travel anxiety in your children on your next exciting journey. Remember to be patient, flexible, and supportive throughout the journey, and don’t hesitate to reach out for more help if you need it. Wishing you many safe travels in the future!
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